The Tarot Shop "Dark Synevyr"

News — Weekly Tarot Guide


Geposted von Iurii Nazarenco am


👁️ Cosmic Chaos Report: Feb 16 - Feb 22 The stars are side-eyeing you, Mercury is plotting, and your tarot deck is laughing. Let’s see what fresh cosmic nonsense awaits us this week… 🌙 LUNAR ENERGY 🌓 Full Moon in Virgo ✨ A week for clarity, organization… and probably an existential crisis. 🔮 Best uses of this energy:✔ Declutter your space & your life (yes, even that drawer).✔ Set clear goals—no more “let’s see what happens” energy.✔ Actually follow through on the self-care routines you keep saying you’ll start. ⚠ Astrological Red Flags:🚩 If someone from your past pops up, it’s...

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Geposted von Iurii Nazarenco am


👁️ The stars are side-eyeing you, Mercury is plotting, and your tarot deck is laughing. Let’s see what fresh cosmic nonsense awaits us this week… 🌕 LUNAR ENERGY 🌑 New Moon in Aquarius (Feb 9): Your brain wants revolution, but your body just wants a nap. Great time for manifestation, terrible time for making impulsive relationship decisions. If your ex texts you this week, it’s a trap. 🔮 TAROT INSIGHTS 🃏 Your three tarot theme cards this week: The Fool 🛤️ – Something new is coming. Will it be a new opportunity or a new personal crisis? Stay tuned. The...

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✨ Weekly Tarot & Wellness Guidance 26th Aug.-1st. Sept.✨

Geposted von Iurii Nazarenco am

✨ Weekly Tarot & Wellness Guidance 26th Aug.-1st. Sept.✨

✨ Weekly Tarot & Wellness Guide ✨ Welcome to your comprehensive guide for the week! Let’s explore how tarot, astrology, numerology, seasonal plants, nutrition, relaxation, and entertainment can enrich your week. 🌕 Lunar Phase: Full Moon 🌝 This week’s full moon is a time of illumination and completion. Focus on celebrating your achievements and bringing projects to fruition. 🌞 Sun and Planets: Sun in Virgo: Continue to prioritize organization and practicality. The Virgo Sun encourages you to refine your goals and focus on efficiency. Mercury in Virgo: With Mercury in its home sign, clear communication and detailed planning are emphasized....

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🇮🇹 Guida Settimanale di Tarot e Benessere: 19-25 agosto 2024 🌟✨

Geposted von Iurii Nazarenco am

🇮🇹 Guida Settimanale di Tarot e Benessere: 19-25 agosto 2024 🌟✨

Benvenuto alla tua guida completa per la settimana! Esplora come il tarot, l'astrologia, la numerologia, le piante stagionali, la nutrizione, il relax e l'intrattenimento possono arricchire la tua settimana. 🌕 Fase Lunare: Luna Calante 🌙 Questa settimana, la luna calante è perfetta per riflessione e rilascio. Concentrati sul lasciar andare ciò che non ti serve più e preparati a nuovi inizi. 🌞 Sole e Pianeti: Sole in Vergine: Enfatizza l'organizzazione e la praticità. È un buon momento per mettere ordine nella tua vita e concentrarti sui tuoi obiettivi. Fine del Mercurio Retrogrado (20 agosto): I problemi di comunicazione e viaggio...

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🇩🇪 Wöchentlicher Tarot- und Wellness-Guide: 19.-25. August 2024 🌟✨

Geposted von Iurii Nazarenco am

🇩🇪 Wöchentlicher Tarot- und Wellness-Guide: 19.-25. August 2024 🌟✨

Willkommen zu deinem umfassenden Wochenleitfaden! Lass uns erkunden, wie Tarot, Astrologie, Numerologie, saisonale Pflanzen, Ernährung, Entspannung und Unterhaltung deine Woche bereichern können. 🌕 Mondphase: Abnehmender Mond 🌙 Der abnehmende Mond in dieser Woche ist ideal für Reflexion und Loslassen. Konzentriere dich darauf, was du hinter dir lassen möchtest und bereite dich auf neue Anfänge vor. 🌞 Sonne und Planeten: Sonne in der Jungfrau: Betont Organisation und Praktikabilität. Es ist ein guter Tag, um dein Leben in Ordnung zu bringen und dich auf deine Ziele zu konzentrieren. Ende der Merkur-Retrograde (20. August): Kommunikations- und Reiseprobleme beginnen sich zu klären. Gehe deine...

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