Regal Shadows Tarot Deck 78+2 Extra Cards

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Regal Shadow Tarot

In a desolate and mysterious realm, an uncanny tarot deck emerges, captivating those brave enough to confront its enigmatic artwork. Its origin remains shrouded in mystery, but the cards hold a tale of ancient secrets, turbulent seas, and fate’s peculiar twists.

The story unfolds on a remote and isolated island, where two individuals find themselves stranded to operate a weathered lighthouse. As a relentless storm rages outside, their sanity begins to falter amidst the vast emptiness of the ocean.Within the lighthouse, they stumble upon a cryptic relic - the tarot deck. Night after night, they engage in mysterious rituals, and the cards seem to take on a life of their own. Reality starts to warp, toying with their perceptions of time and existence.The haunting images depicted on the cards bear uncanny resemblance to their past experiences and hint at events yet to unfold. As they delve deeperinto the deck, strange apparitions manifest, blurring the line between dreams and reality.

The tarot’s influence over their lives becomes unsettlingly apparent, turning the lighthouse into anotherworldly battleground.As the storm rages on, the fragile relationship between the two individuals unravels, revealing an ominous dance of power and submission mirroring the tumultuous tides outside.

The eerie sounds of the foghorn and the eerie shadows dancing on the walls amplify the escalating madness within.In this atmospheric tale of psychological horror, «Regal Shadow Tarot» plunges these individuals into a malevolent dance with fate. Reality blurs with delusion, and the tarot deck itself emerges as a harbinger of impending doom. Can they escape the clutches of this sinister game, or will they succumb to the alluring abyss?

Prepare to be spellbound and bewildered as «Regal Shadow Tarot» unravels the enigmatic world of the tarot, inviting audiences on an unforgettable journey through the corridors of the mind. Brace yourself for a surreal nightmare where certainty gives way to uncertainty amidst the relentless darkness of the lighthouse.

Chapter 1: The Lighthouse in the Murk

Amidst the foggy dusk of a Victorian winter, the heavens were draped in deep shades of crimson and twilight gold, their luminance casting a melancholy sheen over the relentless sea. The waves, audacious and ruthless, thundered against the craggy cliffs, singing tales of forgotten voyages and sailors lost in time.

As the luminance dimmed, giving way to the somber embrace of the encroaching night, a pair of shadowed figures were thrown upon the cold, unforgiving shore. Julian, a lean man with a pallid complexion, his face obscured by a disheveled beard, hastily rose to his feet. Close by, Elara, her ebony tresses clinging to her pale face, expelled the bitter taste of the sea from her lungs.

The skeletal remains of their vessel, The Celestial, lay strewn about, a grim testament to the malevolent waters they had dared to traverse. "We must find refuge," Julian murmured with an air of urgency, extending a trembling hand to aid Elara. The ominous howls of the wind foretold of a storm that yearned to be born.

Their gaze was inevitably drawn to a looming edifice against the encroaching abyss - an age-old lighthouse, its aura one of timeless desolation. It stood, a sentinel of bygone eras, its stones battered by countless storms. Hope, albeit faint, ignited in their hearts, and with a mix of trepidation and determination, they approached, seeking sanctuary from the forthcoming tempest.

The timeworn door of the lighthouse groaned in protest at their touch. Within, a winding staircase enticed them into the tower's gloom. Its walls were garnished with ancient depictions: noble vessels, tempestuous storms, and stern-faced keepers of the light, each image steeped in tales of heroism and tragedy.

Ascending, Julian's hand grazed an ornate, dust-covered box hidden beneath a moth-eaten tapestry. Unveiling its contents, a set of arcane tarot cards lay before them, each bearing artwork of such profound detail it seemed almost alive. Elara, entranced, whispered as her fingertips danced over the cards, "These images... Why do they haunt my memory so?"

Julian, too, was struck by an eerie familiarity. Amongst the cards, he saw a mariner battling fierce tides, a reflection of his own visage. Similarly, a maiden, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Elara, gazed forlornly from a precipice, a beacon behind her.

Beset by a mixture of dread and intrigue, the duo began to consult the cards, hoping they might unravel the mysteries before them. Nightly, by dim candlelight, as the storm raged beyond, the cards spun tales, some of elation, others of foreboding.

Yet, the more they engaged with the tarot, the more its grip tightened around them. The lines of reality wavered and blurred, revealing that the cards were not simple relics but storytellers with a purpose. Julian and Elara, it seemed, were mere puppets in an ancient drama, one scripted in the annals of time, long before their plight on this bleak isle.

Chapter 2: The Ensnaring Abyss of Memories

Amidst the dusky corners of the old lighthouse, where cobwebs and memories intertwined, Julian and Elara's ritualistic game continued. As storms castigated the shores with relentless fury, the flickering candlelight in the heart of their haven danced upon worn-out tarot cards, each revealing secrets long buried, stories best forgotten.

The room’s atmosphere grew heavy and pungent with the aroma of aged wood, damp stone walls, and the acrid scent of burning wax. Every drawn card acted as a portal, pulling them deeper into the depths of memories that lurked just beneath their conscious minds.

Drawing the 'Tower' card, Julian's breath hitched in his throat. Vivid memories surged forth like a tidal wave: splintering wood, desperate cries, monstrous waves engulfing their ship, and the relentless pull of the deep blue abyss. He remembered cold water filling his lungs, darkness closing in, and then a blinding light— the lighthouse— which ultimately saved him. But it was not just the past that haunted him; with every passing second, his present reality within the lighthouse felt just as isolating and harrowing as the sinking ship had.

Elara's fingers hesitated before drawing the 'Moon,' but when she did, a cold shiver cascaded down her spine. It was as if the card had a heartbeat of its own—slow, deliberate, almost taunting. Memories played like phantasmagoric theater on the lighthouse walls: a younger Elara, singing lullabies beneath the moon, sweet whispers of love, then heart-wrenching scenes of betrayal. Each apparition seemed to crawl from the lighthouse walls, manifesting before her, their ghostly fingers trying to grasp at her very soul. Tears streaked her face as the weight of her past pressed down on her heart.

With each card drawn, the boundary that separated their present from their haunting past became more malleable. Whispers from unseen spirits and reflections of bygone days merged in the lighthouse’s echoes, creating a cacophony of voices that grew deafening. Julian saw sailors, long lost to the sea, their faces twisted in anguish, dancing in grotesque patterns. Elara felt the touch of icy hands, reaching out from dark corners, seeking something— or perhaps someone.

The very cards that they had believed to be their salvation now ensnared them. The readings, once a beacon of hope and mystery, had become a treacherous labyrinth of memories and regrets. Each night, trust waned and suspicion flourished. Their bond, initially forged by shared solitude and intrigue, was now threatened by the very history they sought to uncover.

Outside, the tempest grew wilder, mirroring the chaos within. Waves crashed with rage, lightning painted the skies, and yet, amidst this maelstrom, the lighthouse stood tall, casting its light across the treacherous waters. But within its sturdy walls, two souls were trapped, not by the storm outside, but by the tempest of their own memories and fears.

Minor Arcanas


Booklet Design


Card Back Design

You will get: 1 pc. Regal Shadows Tarot 

Quality 250gsm Card stock.
Format: 120 x 65 mm.
Guidebook: English, Spanish.
Year: 2ns edition 2023.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lawrence Weber
Photos do not do this justice

I just received my Regal Shadows deck after backing it on Indiegogo. The photos don't do this deck justice. It has a different, solemn, archaic feel. It has that darker flavor but doesn't feel like a Shadow Deck. And the drawings do remind me of woodcuts. I can highly recommend it. Well worth the slight wait. Well done